Home Blog “Breaking News: Maine Mass Shootings Manhunt, 22 people dead

“Breaking News: Maine Mass Shootings Manhunt, 22 people dead

Maine Mass Shootings Manhunt

Maine Mass Shootings Manhunt: On Wednesday night, the tranquil community of Lewiston, Maine, was rocked to its core by a horrific act of violence that claimed the lives of 22 people and left many dead.

The heinous crime occurred at a bowling alley and a restaurant, casting a gloom over the entire community. As law enforcement authorities intensify their search for the suspected perpetrator, Robert Card, the nation mourns the loss of life and wrestles with the consequences of this horrific occurrence.

Maine Mass Shootings Manhunt

Maine Mass Shootings Manhunt

Wednesday night, often a time of leisure and friendship, turned into a nightmare for Lewiston locals. Two separate shootings took place at a nearby bowling alley and a restaurant, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Eyewitness accounts portray a bleak image of turmoil and panic as the events unfolded, sending shockwaves through the little town.

As word of the shootings spread, families were torn apart, and Lewiston felt a feeling of collective grief. The victims, who ranged in age from teenagers to the elderly, were people with hopes, dreams, and loved ones.

The Victims: Remembering Lost Lives:

Their lives were cut short, leaving a loss that will never be replaced. The community will gather in the following days to grieve their loss and to honor those who died in this awful occurrence.

Local police uploaded a photo of shooter Robert Card holding a semi-automatic style pistol inside a bowling alley on Facebook, saying he should be “considered armed and dangerous.”

“Law enforcement is looking for Robert Card, 4/4/1983, as a person of interest in connection with the mass shooting at Schemengees Bar and Sparetime Recreation this evening.” CARD should be considered armed and dangerous, according to the Lewiston Police Department.

Community Cohesion:

Despite the sadness and anxiety, the community’s resiliency comes through. Residents, first responders, and local authorities have banded together to help the families of the victims and each other.

The shootings happened around 7 p.m. ET, according to Sauschuck. Sparetime Recreation, a bowling alley on Mollison Way, and Schemengees Bar & Grille Restaurant on Lincoln Street both had active gunshot incidents, according to Lewiston police.

“We are encouraging all businesses to lock down and/or close while we investigate,” the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday evening in a Facebook post.

The sheriff’s office issued photographs of a “suspect for identification.” The individual is seen clutching a high-powered assault gun.

Vigils and memorial ceremonies have been organized to allow for communal grieving and reflection. The community’s resilience in the face of such tragedy demonstrates the human spirit’s ability to persevere even in the darkest of times.

Impact on Society

National and state officials have conveyed their sympathies and support for the Lewiston community. The president and other major figures have expressed their support for the ongoing investigations and the families affected. Calls for unity and resilience reverberate throughout the country, reminding everyone of the significance of coming together in times of distress.

Card, 40, is a retired military commander who has previously been arrested for domestic abuse. He had previously reported mental health difficulties, including hearing voices, and had threatened to assault the military training base in Saco, Maine, earlier this year. He was hospitalized for two weeks in a mental health center.

He was observed driving a white Subaru after the shooting, which detectives have released photos of. Lewiston Mayor Carl Sheline said he is “heartbroken for our city and our people” and advised citizens to adopt the prescribed precautions.

National and state officials have conveyed their sympathies and support for the Lewiston community. The president and other major figures have expressed their support for the ongoing investigations and the families affected. Calls for unity and resilience reverberate throughout the country, reminding everyone of the significance of coming together in times of distress.

Maine Mass Shootings Manhunt


The tragedy that occurred in Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday night is a sharp reminder of the fragility of life and the darkness that can sometimes envelop even the most close-knit communities as the Maine Mass Shootings Manhunt. 

The loss of 22 people dead, each with their own hopes and goals, has left an unforgettable imprint on this peaceful community. The terror that occurred in the bowling alley and restaurant will live on in the collective memory of Lewiston residents.

The community’s response in the face of such awful sorrow has been a monument to the human spirit’s strength. Despite the immense loss, Lewiston locals have banded together, supporting one another and remembering those who have died. Vigils and memorials provide venues for shared grief and meditation, emphasizing the resilience of a community united in grief.

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